A Very Green Pool

Why Your Pool is Green and How to Fix It

July 22, 2024

by Caleb Almanza

Many pool owners occasionally find their once crystal-clear pool has transformed into an un-welcome green. It's a common issue, but it can indeed be a hassle. Fortunately, there are straightforward solutions! This article will guide you through identifying causes, taking actionable steps to resolve them, and sharing ongoing maintenance tips to prevent future concerns.

Common Reasons a Pool Turns Green

The most frequent cause of green pools is algae. This microscopic plant flourishes in warm, sunlit conditions and can rapidly multiply if your pool's chemical balance is off. Besides turning the water green, algae can make surfaces slippery, posing safety risks to swimmers.

Additionally, a chemically unbalanced pool is prone to problems. Insufficient chlorine and improper pH levels disrupt the ecosystem within your pool, making it a breeding ground for algae and other harmful organisms. Maintaining a balanced chemical level is crucial not only for clarity but also to ensure the health of anyone who takes a dip.

Effective circulation and filtration of your balanced water are vital for a clean pool. If your pool’s filter is malfunctioning or if the water isn’t circulating properly, pollutants accumulate and algae take hold. Ensuring good water flow helps distribute chemicals evenly and removes unwanted debris.

Finally, your pool can also turn green from external elements such as nearby trees, pollen, and even weather changes. These factors can introduce spores and nutrients into your pool, aiding algae growth. Regular cleaning and proactive maintenance are essential to control these natural influences.

A pool can turn green for various reasons, primarily from environmental factors or a dirty filter.

Fixing a Green Pool

Start by testing your pool water to understand its current chemical condition—specifically, pH and chlorine levels. This initial step helps you pinpoint what adjustments are necessary to restore balance.

Then, shock the pool. Shocking your pool involves adding a significant amount of chlorine to the water to eliminate algae and other bacteria. It's best done at dusk or night to prevent the sun from diminishing the effectiveness of the chlorine. Always follow the instructions specific to your pool shock product.

Post-shock, adding an algaecide will help control and prevent the resurgence of algae. Following up with clarifiers will clump together fine particles, making them easier for the filter to capture, thus clearing the water further.

Cleaning and Enhancing Filtration

Vacuum the pool thoroughly to remove any dead algae and debris. Check and clean your filter regularly to ensure it's operating efficiently. Enhancing water circulation through regular backwashing and rinsing also contributes to a cleaner pool.

Regular maintenance and servicing can prevent a pool from turning green

Preventative Maintenance

Ensure your pool remains inviting and algae-free by adopting a consistent maintenance routine! Here are some essential practices:

  • Regular Cleaning: Schedule weekly brushing and vacuuming sessions to prevent algae accumulation and remove debris that could nourish algae. Ensure the pool’s surfaces and waterline are clean.
  • Chemical Balance: Maintain the chemical health of your pool by testing the water regularly. Adjust the pH and chlorine levels as needed to keep the water balanced and algae at bay.
  • Filtration System Maintenance: Finally, inspect and maintain your filtration system often. A well-functioning filter is crucial to keeping your pool clear. Check for signs of wear, and perform routine backwashing and rinsing to improve efficiency.

Following these steps will help you manage your pool's cleanliness and reduce the likelihood of future green water incidents.

When to Call a Professional

Sometimes, the situation may require expertise beyond routine maintenance. Consider professional help in the following scenarios:

  • Persistent Algae Problems: If algae return despite thorough cleaning and chemical treatment, a pool professional can assess underlying issues that are not immediately apparent.
  • Equipment Malfunction: If you suspect a malfunction in your pool’s pump, filter, or other critical systems, it’s wise to consult with a professional. They can offer repairs or replacements that ensure your pool operates effectively.
  • Health and Safety Concerns: Managing pool chemicals requires precision and care. Consequently, if you’re ever uncertain about handling chemicals or if you encounter a complex chemical issue, professionals can ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment.

5 reasons pools turn green


Unpleasant an experience as it is, addressing your green pool is more straightforward than you might think. Learn why your pool turns green and act fast – keeping up with regular care is the best way to stop issues later on.

If you run into more complex issues or would rather have a professional take on the task, call Professional Pool Solutions in Temple, TX, and surrounding areas.